

Social Content, Product Videos, Brand Content

A 60-second promo video that uses humour to connect with the person within the salesperson

By this point, there are more prospecting platforms than spinoffs of the Real Housewives franchise — for those that don’t know, that’s a lot. And with new competition springing up constantly, it takes a strong product to stand out. A strong product like Outbase.

Their intuitive drag-and-drop tool takes the heavy lifting out of sales to create a predictable flow of leads so that you can focus on other things. What’s not to love? They had created a super slick product. So when it came time for launch, they needed a promo that was even slicker.

Need more sales? Just turn up the volume.

The approach

Typically, the business audience is made up of busy people — mostly because they aren’t saving time with Outbase — so we knew we needed to keep things short & sweet.

Diving off their brand palette, we created a playful and colourful set design that would make even Wes Anderson jealous. We mostly did this because we love a porcelain cat, but also to jump off people’s screens and grab their attention in the first second.

Just look at that cat. You may even say our set was purrfe—nope, that’s too much. 

When it came to the script, even though our audience was B2B, we didn’t want to B2 Boring. At the end of the day, we’re still talking to people; and underneath that polyester-blend off-duck-egg work shirt, lies someone with hopes, dreams and most importantly a sense of humour.

So, we kept the tone light and balanced some effortless comedy with the product’s amazing features to convey just how smooth and easy the tool really is. All while keeping the video under 60 seconds — those business types are busy, remember?

We topped the promo off with some slick-looking animated sequences to help best explain some of the platform’s main features; designed and kicked into motion by our very own motion graphics team.

Interestingly, this production worked in tandem with a second, entirely animated hype film that the team were producing too - keeping the designs, styles and branding consistent across both.

We love a project that we can have fun with, and so Outbase giving us the freedom to show us what we’re made of felt like a dream. We were chuffed with the end result, but more importantly — so were they.

I've worked with many production companies over the years but Storm & Shelter really left an impression. We were bowled over by their creativity, organisation and problem-solving.  They produced a series of top-tier video content for us to help launch a business. From taking the initial brief to delivering the final files they made the whole process a delight - we can't wait to work with them again.

Rich Tipple, Digital Communications Manager, Sopro



Directed by Josh Bennett

Building the RM1S

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