
Launchpad for iOS

Product Videos, Music Content

The kings of music-making apps, Ampify, needed a film to promote the redesign of their highly-acclaimed app, Launchpad for iOS.

The last film we made with Ampify (which you can watch here, you cheeky so and so) nailed a tone and aesthetic for the Ampify brand, so it made sense to keep building on such a strong foundation.

It’s all about the moment.

Ampify’s apps allow their users to play, create and remix music anywhere, essentially meaning that the world is now your studio. We’d be focusing on three characters across three varying scenarios, each of which highlighting key features and elements of the new design layout. The aim was to give a snapshot of the lifestyle of a modern music-maker, showing how technology can enable spontaneous artistic expression.

We developed the idea to show off how versatile this kind of mobile music making really is using a diverse group of locations and individuals to show that no matter where you are when inspiration strikes, you gotta be able to go for it, and the Launchpad app is there when you need it.

It was important that the places we shot gave that idea of an urban lifestyle, but didn’t give an identifiable look to localise things too much. We decided on shooting in Cardiff to make the most of the budget and over the space of a day, we covered off three locations: Little Man Coffee, Kelly’s Records in Cardiff Market and lastly… our roof! It’s a wicked place for sunsets and summer’s eve beers (as long as you can look past the one or two dead seagulls, that is.)

Using a combination of FS700, a7S and a Zhiyun crane, we got a good combo of high-energy shots and some longer sweeping stuff that encompassed the lifestyle surrounding this kind of fluid creativity. It was important that the product shots showed a good amount of interaction, as it’s a highly human-driven app, but we also used some screen recordings from the iPad to highlight some of the design features, especially considering this was all about the app’s redesign.

Basically, if you’re a music maker, or even just someone who enjoys messing around and being creative, the app is a great way to have some serious fun. Our video captures the essence of the mobility and portability of Launchpad for iOS and how creators can be unrestricted in expressing themselves however and whenever they want.



Directed by Josh Bennett

Building the RM1S

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