Cardiff University

School of Medicine

Animation, Explainer Videos, Education

A whole heap of explainer animations for the Cardiff University School of Medicine's master's courses.

If you’ve been following our work for a while, you’d know that we’re no strangers to Cardiff University. Over the years we’ve helped them move their open day online, celebrate their largest graduation ever, and spread the word about many of their market-leading research projects.

So when The Cardiff University School of Medicine got in touch with us to say their course explainer videos were in need of an overdue update, we knew exactly what to do.

Going into the project the main priorities were consistency, speed & cost, so it was clear the best route to go down was to create a template for them.

Although we were initially creating five animations for their priority masters programmes, setting up an agreed template in these early stages would make any future rollouts and amends a lot more efficient.

Our initial styleframes. We later scrapped the pill motif as it was a little too on the nose.

After a little back and forth of the style frames, everyone was happy and we were ready to get going and created a video template style that could be adapted with supplied imagery and give cohesion across the content suite but would still give each video its own distinct identity.

The initial feedback?

Thanks so much, they look fabulous!

Laura Pearson, Comms and Marketing Officer, Cardiff University School of Medicine

So fabulous in fact, that a few months later we got an email which roughly said “we loved these so much, could we have another 12”.

Thank goodness we made that template.

You know it's been a successful project when a client comes back asking for more, and as you can imagine uploading all 17 films would cause this page to take a long time to load, so here is jus one for a taster of what they feel like.

To view the rest, head over to the Cardiff Uni website.




Directed by Josh Bennett

Building the RM1S

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